Applying to Lancaster Uni? Here is How You Can Prepare!

Learn how you can prepare before applying to Lancaster University!

Are you considering applying to Lancaster University? Congratulations on taking the first step towards the next step in your academic journey!

In this blog, we’ll guide you through the process of preparing your application to Lancaster Uni, ensuring you’re equipped with all the tools and information you need to make a strong application.

From understanding the application requirements to tips on crafting a compelling personal statement, we’ve got everything covered. 

Let’s dive in and explore how you can prepare to start your academic journey at Lancaster University!

Lancaster University is a highly-ranked global university that is known for its quality of education. They have been ranked 10 in the Complete University Guide, 11th in the Guardian University Guide and in the top 15 in many other UK league tables.

Girl holding her laptop and smiling

Research The Courses

The first step that you will have to take when looking into applying to Lancaster University is researching the courses that interest you. 

Lancaster University offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that are within different disciplines. 

Be sure to read the entry requirements of these courses so that you can prepare accordingly. 

All the courses will have specific grade requirements that you will have to meet. Referring to this can give you a good idea of what grades you should be aiming for during your final exams. 

If you are confused about which programme might be the right fit for you, you can easily chat with the student ambassadors on the website to get insight into how the programme is structured or reach out to current students on platforms like Linkedin. 

Directly communicating with the students is oftentimes, the best way to know if a course or a university will be a good fit for you!

Girl writing on a book with a laptop near it

Application Process

The application process varies depending on if you are applying for an undergraduate programme or a post-graduate programme.

If you are a prospective undergraduate student, you will have to apply through UCAS ( the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service ).

Initially, students select up to five courses and complete their application on the UCAS website, which includes crafting a personal statement and securing a reference as well.

The application must adhere to specific deadlines, generally mid-January for most courses, but mid-October for applications to Oxford, Cambridge, and most medical, veterinary, and dentistry courses.

After the submission, universities will review the applications and may invite students for interviews or additional assessments depending on the nature of the programme.

Students will then receive their conditional offers through UCAS, where you can accept a preferred choice and, if needed, select a backup option. 

Upon successfully meeting the grade requirements in the offer, you will be able to secure your place at the university. 

If you are applying for a post-graduate program, then you can directly apply to the university. Be sure to attach all the supporting documents requested including the personal statement and undergraduate certificates.

Person typing on a laptop

Personal Statement 

Beyond your grades, your personal statement is one of the most important factors that can decide the outcome of your application. 

Crafting a good personal statement can seem like a daunting process, but it doesn’t have to be. 

Some topics to be included that are recommended by UCAS are highlighting why you have chosen the course, what excites you about the subject, and relevant work experience, skills, and achievements amongst others. 

Be sure to highlight these details in good detail within the 4000-character word limit.

The UCAS website is a great resource to find tips on how you can craft a convincing personal statement. 

Remember that you only get one personal statement for all your 5 choices, which means that it has to be catered towards the programme you have chosen and not the university.

It is also good practice to ask someone to proofread your personal statement so they can catch any mistakes that you might have overlooked. 

Read this article on How To Write Your Undergraduate Personal Statement to get started. 

Man researching on a laptop

Visit Open Days

Visiting Open Days can be a great way to learn more about university life at Lancaster University.

Open days will give you the opportunity to tour the campus, and student accommodation,  interact with students and overall get an idea of how the student life is. 

You can also talk to the university representatives and ask any questions that you may have regarding your application or life at the university there. 

University entrance with two students walking

Check Out Student Accommodation Options

While attending open days at the University of Lancaster is a great time to also consider student accommodation in the city. 

There are several options for student accommodation like university-owned accommodation, private student accommodation as well as student houses.

Depending on your needs and preferences, one of the different accommodation options will be a better fit for you.

If you are looking to stay on campus then, university accommodation would be the best choice for you. If you don’t mind walking to campus but would like more communal facilities, then private student accommodation could be the right fit and if you value the social aspect of living together, then student houses are a great choice!

Most of these accommodation options are fairly close to the university, so open days are a great way to get both of these sorted.

A group of students laughing

Financial Planning

Preparing for university also includes managing your finances so that you can balance your university life without any worries.

Most students opt for student finance which includes the tuition fee as well as the maintenance cost for the course of the programme. How much maintenance loan you get depends on a variety of factors including annual household income, age, if you have any dependents and so on. 

Read this blog on The HFS Survival Guide To Student Finance UK to get a better understanding. 

Regardless of how much you can get as a maintenance loan each term, it is crucial to budget your funds properly so that you don’t have to be pinching pennies at the end of the term. Read this blog on Preparing For University. How To Budget As A Student to help you get started.

If you believe your maintenance loan might not be sufficient, or if you would like to get some work experience while studying, then you can consider part-time jobs. 

You will be able to find a part-time job in different fields like customer service, sales, care and so many others. This experience can also add value to your CV once you graduate and are looking for full-time roles as well. 

Girl reading something from her laptop

We hope you find this blog on applying to Lancaster University helpful.

 By following the steps outlined in this guide, prospective students can navigate the application process with confidence and ease.

From researching courses and entry requirements to crafting a compelling personal statement, each stage plays a crucial role in helping you become a student of this reputable university. 

If you are looking for student houses in Lancaster for when you start university, then you are in the right place. Visit our UK Student Houses website to browse through the different student homes that cater to all your needs. 

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